Membership Application

Membership Application or Renewal

Support the Republican Party and apply to become a Member.

Members meet on the first Thursday of every month at Amicis.

Becoming a member or renewing your membership is quick and easy is quick and easy. Select the Level of Membership you want, fill in the rest of the details and click Submit Your Application.

PLEASE NOTE: If this is a Membership Application, your membership must be approved by the Executive Board.  Membership runs from April 1st to April 1st of the following year.

Membership Application
Type of Membership

Add Family Members - Click Add to add members


Friend of The Party: There is no membership fee for this level, but as a member you get to participate in all party events and will get the Rockdale County Republican Newsletter. As a friend of the party you will not be able to hold office.
Annual Membership Fee: $0.00

Individual Member: As an Individual Member you get all the benefits of a Friend of the Party and you can hold an office in the Party and VOTE on County, District and State Party Officers.
Annual Membership Fee $25.00

Family Membership: As a Family Membership it includes all members of the family that live at the same address. Each Family Member holds all the benefits of an individual member.
Annual Membership Fee: $35.00

Corporate Membership: You get all of the benefits of a Family Membership plus 2 tickets to our bi-annual Lincoln-Reagan dinner and the opportunity to meet with elected Republican Party officials. Your business will be advertised on our web site and in our monthly Republican Newsletter which has a circulation of 2500+ to residents of Rockdale County.
Annual Membership $250.00

Membership Application
Type of Membership

Add Family Members - Click Add to add members


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