Our meeting will be held at Amici’s,1805 Parker Rd SE, Conyers, GA30094. The doors will open at 6:00 P.M. and the meeting starts at 6:30 P.M.
Bring a Friend.
At Amici’s on the First Thursday of every month.
The Senate has passed SB 241 on Election Reform and sent it to the House. You can read the bill HERE
CLICK HERE If you are interested in serving on your local precinct committee and learning more about the duties of a precinct chair and committee person.
Your Executive Board continues to meet every month in spite of Covid. If you want anything brought up at the board meeting, please contact one of the board members. Click on Officers on the menu above.
At Amici’s on the First Thursday of every month.
Everyone is welcome. Come and meet your neighbors and find out what is happening in our county and state
Larry Cox and This Week From Rockdale.
Click https://facebook.com/thisweekinrockdale
The show will be hosted by Larry Cox and will feature guests of interest to the Rockdale Community.
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