Chair: Jonathan Chavez
The responsibilities of the Chair of the Rockdale GOP
a. The Chair shall be the chief executive of the Rockdale County Republican Party.
b. The Chair shall be the spokesman for the Rockdale County Republican Party and for the County Committee and it shall be his/her duty to communicate directly with all news and media outlets and venues. In performing this function, the Chair may delegate authority and appoint at his/her discretion a Publicity/ Chair/Director who reports to the appropriate Vice chair as directed by the Party chairman.
c. The Chair shall be the presiding officer at each meeting of the County Committee, and shall issue the call for and preside at each county convention unless replaced by a temporary convention chair, and shall appoint such sergeants at arms as may be necessary to maintain order.
d. The Chair shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the County Committee, such standing committees as deemed appropriate.
e. The Chair shall exercise all the duties, responsibilities and powers delegated by these rules, and such other duties, responsibilities and powers consistent with these rules, and such other duties, which the County Committee may assign the Chair.
f. Consistent with applicable law, the Chair shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the County Committee, the Republican member of the Rockdale County Board of Elections and Voter Registration.
g. The Chair may appoint, with the advice and consent of the County Committee, a Historian whose duty it shall be to keep a record of the activities of the Rockdale County Republican Party.
h. The County Chair may at his/her discretion appoint a Chaplain to serve without a vote.
i. The Chair may authorize an expenditure of $75.00 up to 3 times in a quarter without prior authorization from the Executive Board.
j. The Chair may authorize an excess of $75.00 for an emergency or time sensitive situation provided the concurrence of a majority of the Executive Board has been obtained via email or other timely notification. Copies of these emails must be delivered to the Executive Board Treasurer and Secretary either electronically or by hard copy at the next Executive Board meeting. All other expenses in excess of those stipulated above will be presented at the regular executive Board meeting for execution.
k. The Chair shall appoint a house committee to secure and prepare facilities for all County meetings.
l. The Chair is the official and sole and responsible voice of the Rockdale County Republican Party. However, the Chair may delegate this function to the 3rd Vice Chair who may appoint a Publicity Director.
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